65 years at your service
menú infantil a l'Estartit
65 years at your service
Restaurant Hotel.Santa.Anna
Thank you to visit us
Children's Menu
11,90€ / persona

plat infantil
children's plate
Fish & seafood soup
Fish of the day
Grilled or battered chicken fillet
Chicken fingers
Beef and pork burger
Sausages with croquettes
Mushroom canelloni
Meat canelloni
Ham and cheesee pizza
Cheesee Pizza
Daily pasta: tomato or bolognesa sauce (with meat)
Ravioli with mushroom sauce
Iberian ham croquettes
Batter fried squid
Andalusian style squids

Egg cream caramel
Brownie with vanilla ice cream
Fruit salad
Panna cotta with a coulis of berries
Cottage goat cheese with honey
Baked apple
"Crema catalana"
(catalan caramelized custard cream)
Apple pie
Plain yogurt
Chou with chocolate
Ice cream and chocolate coulant
ice cream
Chocolate ice cream
Vanilla ice cream
Lemon sorbet
Mint and chocolate ice cream
Tangerine sorbet






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